


表演日期、時間 : 99-6-5~99-6-6
19:30 PM
14:30 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲劇
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館
演出單位 : 臺北市華岡藝術學校戲劇科
進場方式 : 現場索票

聚焦賞析:改編自英國作家艾利克斯.席勒Alex Shearer同名小說。以一名少年的純潔眼光,帶領觀眾重新看待嚴肅的生死議題。
One day, on the way to school, a high school student called Harry has an accident. He is hit by a goods wagon and dies. Then he arrives in the after-life unknown world. A young boy, Arthur, of the nineteenth century comes to tell him something important. He realizes that he can neither leave the unknown world nor enter “The Great Blue Yonder” unless he completes unfinished business. So Harry returns to the world of mortals, following Arthur. After seeing reality and giving an apology to his dear sister, he comes to comprehend the meaning of life. Then a new door is opened for him.
Focus:Adapted from the British writer Alex Shearer’s novel of the same title, this play deals with a young boy seeing things with his innocent eyes – which can bring us to look at the serious issues about life and death.

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