

門 / Gate

門 / Gate
表演日期、時間 : 96-8-4~96-8-5
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 舞蹈
演出單位 : 藝向空間
進場方式 : 售票

【藝向空間】2007年創團第一號作品跨領域肢體劇場《門/Gate》,將以舞蹈、戲劇、影像多媒體、平面攝影與裝置藝術,跨領域共同創作,訴說著人的出生,就好像是一個嶄新的生命的開始,透過一扇門的開啟,走進了一段人生的旅程。人們每天開啟與關閉好幾道門,由一扇門通往另一個空間,每個人心中所找尋的目的地,截然不同,到底哪一扇門才是能讓人最自在安心。編舞者黃 圓圓藉由最初的構想「輪迴」為出發點,以「門」為實體的符號,暗喻輪迴一詞。重複、重來、重蹈覆轍。開始、結束、再開始。要還是不要?
【Art Orientation Space】 is a theatrical group founded in 2007. This group's first work, the physical drama, Gate, covered different fields such as dancing, drama, multimedia of visual imageries, two-dimensional photography and installation art. This work deals with depiction of human birth just like a start of a new life and also a life journey experienced after a door is open. Opening and closing many doors every day, people link one space to another through a door. Everyone's destination is entirely different. But which door can lead people to go to the freest and safest place? Using her initial plan "metempsychosis" (a Buddhist term) as a start, Choreographer Huang Yuanyuan adopts "Gate" as a concrete symbol to imply the metempsychosis. There are repeating, repeating from the start, and falling into the same trap as well as starting, ending and restarting. Would you like this or not?

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