


表演日期、時間 : 99-7-11
14:00 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
演出單位 : 臺北縣立重慶國民中學管樂團
進場方式 : 現場索票

由國內知名管樂指揮王戰老師指導,演奏多首管樂名曲,帶領大家享受豐富的管樂盛宴。曲目包括:《PUSZTA》《CARIBBEAN VARATION a tune》《TICO-TICO》《THE DAM BUSTERS》《NOVENA》《傜的傳奇》。
洽詢展演單位:(02)2954-3001 #303
In the show, under the supervision of Taiwan’s celebrated wind ensemble conductor Wang Zhan, many well-known pieces of wind music will be played so that audience can really enjoy listening to rich quality sound from special musical instruments. The pieces of music in the repertoire include: Puszta, Caribbean Variation a Tune, Tico-Tico, The Dam Busters, Novena, and A Legend form Yao.
Focus:One hundred players of the wind ensemble who are all students of Chongcing Junior High School will demonstrate what they have learned for the past two years. This time, they will present their best to audiences who have given their support to the wind ensemble. Through music, it is hoped to generate great resonance between players and audiences. Music is boundless. Let’s be immersed in the delightful musical world.
Free Ticket,Exhibition Unit:(02)2954-3001 #303

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