


表演日期、時間 : 99-10-3
14:00 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
演出單位 : 國立臺北商業技術學院管樂社、臺北八風谷樂團
進場方式 : 現場索票

正值英年的華特迪士尼(Walt Disney 1901~1966),單打獨鬥勇闖好萊塢,造就一個娛樂王國的誕生。迪士尼是歡樂的代名詞,溫馨感人的氛圍,陪伴我們半個多世紀。迪士尼帶給全世界歡樂,我們亦將藉由迪士尼音樂,讓大家重新追尋迪士尼的異想世界,擁有兒時純真的奇幻歷險之夢!
When Walt Disney (1901-1966) was at the peak of his career, he bravely came alone to Hollywood to create an entertainment empire. Disney today is a name symbolizing joyousness. With a warm and affectionate atmosphere, Disney has accompanied us for over half a century. Bringing a happy mood to the world is wonderful. We are going to let the audience return to Disney’s fantasy world by following Disney’s music. Let’s embrace our pure and innocent childhood’s fantastic adventurous dream once more!
Focus:Through melodic music and rhythmic cliffhanger, the show will transmit adventurously jolly, excitement, and consonance to the audience as well as guide all music lovers to come together for joy and affection.
Free Ticket,Exhibition Unit:0963-338-747

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