


表演日期、時間 : 100-4-10
13:45 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 其他
演出單位 : 臺北市立建國高級中學英研社、景美女子高級中學英會社、松山高級中學英會社
進場方式 : 自由入場

傳統英語話劇加入音樂與舞蹈,激發出全新風貌-英語歌舞劇﹝A Beautiful Mess﹞;樂團﹝We Weren’t Born To Follow﹞﹝Dani California﹞與熱舞﹝New Jazz﹞﹝Locking﹞﹝Girl’s Hip-Hop﹞表演,展現我們的多元性,有別於課本與考試,以音樂、戲劇、舞蹈另闢蹊徑!
Traditional English drama with music and dance elements stirs up a brand-new style – English drama ﹝A Beautiful Mess﹞; band sound﹝We Weren’t Born to Follow﹞﹝Dani California﹞and dance craze﹝New Jazz﹞﹝Locking﹞﹝Girl’s Hip-Hop﹞. A variety of performances show our diversity, making a difference from textbooks and examination with the music, drama and dance!
Focus:With things learnt through the year, and increasingly well-practiced skills that spur up to the peak, we’ll present you the most perfect performance, with our purest heart.

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