


表演日期、時間 : 100-5-22
PM 13:45
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 其他
演出單位 : 國立新莊高級中學新尹大眾傳播社
進場方式 : 自由入場

新尹大傳社第11屆成果發表,也是11屆的夢想。我們熱愛社團也培養出濃厚的興趣,透過舞臺劇、影片、廣告、歌唱、舞蹈、手語等演出,呈現這一年來所學與所準備的成果,動靜皆有, 內容豐富,絕對讓您目不轉睛!
This is the 11th Achievement Show by “Sin Yin” Communication Club. This is also the 11th time representation of our dreams. We all share a common, great interest in club. By taking up some forms of performance like stage acting, film, commercials, singing, dance, and signal languages, we hope to entertain you all with what we have learned with variety for the past year.
Focus:This performance brings all the communication club members together to devote themselves. We hope our efforts will invite you to come into our club world.

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