


表演日期、時間 : 100-10-8
16:00 PM
地點 : 南海藝文廣場
類別 : 音樂
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館
演出單位 : 國立政治大學振聲合唱團
進場方式 : 自由入場

人聲,是上天給我們最好的禮物。當流行歌曲在多層次的合聲與人聲衝擊下,將呈現什麼面貌?由振聲合唱團與BANANA123阿卡貝拉團,演唱。曲目橫跨中西樂壇:爵士情歌《How Do I Love Thee》、西洋老歌《Happy Together》、臺語經典《月琴》等,另有臺灣小吃歌謠,讓下午時光不只是聽覺饗宴,連味覺、嗅覺也蠢蠢欲動!
Human voice is the most beautiful gift God has given us. What is it like when pop songs are performed by multiple layers of chorus and human voices? Performed by Zhen-Sheng Choir and BANANA 123, the program includes pieces from both the east and the west: Jazz ballad How Do I Love Lee, English old song like Happy Together and Taiwanese classics The Moon Guitar. In addition, the program also includes Taiwan snake folk songs that make the performance not only an audio feast for audience but also a temptation to their senses of taste and smell !
Focus:”Chorus” is not just a form of classical singing art for it could also become pop art and get popular, or even become the magic of transforming human voices into a kind of instrument. We invite you to come to show and see what tricks human voices could play !

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