


表演日期、時間 : 101-1-6
PM 14:00
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲劇
演出單位 : 稻江商職應用外語科日文組
進場方式 : 自由入場

兩隻一大一小老鼠打相撲,將會發生什麼趣事呢?透過日本民間故事《ネズミの相撲 (老鼠相撲)》作為戲劇發表會主題,以更生動更戲劇化的內容表演。在「よっしょどっこしょ 呀!喝!」的吆喝聲中,相撲比賽就要開始嘍!邀您一起來參加這場可愛又溫馨的戲劇演出。
What interesting thing will come out of the wrestling of one big mouse and one small mouse? Adapted from the Japanese folktale 《ネズミの相撲 (Mice Wrestling) 》, the performance is to bring you a more vivid and dramatic content. Through the yelling of 「よっしょどっこしょ Ya!Oh」, the wrestling contest is about to begin soon! We invite you to join us in this cute and heart-warming performance!
Focus:It is the first time that the story will be presented in the form of drama. Excerpted from the contents of its 2011 Drama Presentation, it is then condensed in order to present a show that is closer to the original story.

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