


表演日期、時間 : 101-4-8
PM 14:30
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館
演出單位 : 國立臺灣戲曲學院戲曲音樂學系

改編臺灣內山鑼鼓音樂《點將》:鑼鼓與吹管樂自場外演奏入場,揭開鬧熱氣氛;《客家山歌》以村姑與小姐,唱、奏優雅婉約的山歌與小調;逗趣十足的《九嬸婆》(劇本/呂瓊珷) 以絲竹管絃演奏新編歌仔戲曲調及臺灣民謠;「梨園覽勝」改編各劇種戲曲音樂:南梆子、豫劇、內蒙二人臺、湖南花鼓、北管等,氣勢磅薄。
Adapted from the Taiwanese gong and drum music score, “Dian Jiang” – the gong, drum and blow pipe instruments entered the scene and bring with them the bustling atmosphere. The Hakka folksongs feature the country girl and the lady singing and playing the elegant and graceful folksongs. The hilarious “Ninth Auntie” (script by Lu Chiung-Wu) features the string and wind orchestra performance on the re-adapted Taiwanese Opera and folksongs. “Assortment through the Troupes” is an adaptation of the various traditional opera music with magnificent performance featuring nan-bang-zi, Yuju Opera, Inner Mongolian duet, Hunan flower drum, and beiguan, etc.
Focus:Combining traditional music and theater, adopting traditional and yet modern, diverse, innovative and humorous approach, and connecting the Departments of Traditional Music, Hakka Opera and Taiwanese Opera, this performance will infuse a lively and bustling atmosphere for spring.

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