


表演日期、時間 : 102-5-12
14:00 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
主辦單位 : 社團法人臺北生活美學推廣協會
協辦單位 : 協辦臺北市文山社區大學
演出單位 : 華之和音、蝶明舞踊團、中華花藝合唱團
進場方式 : 預先索票

結合大臺北地區和風傳統藝術表演:「華之和音」二重奏樂團(日本箏‧徐宿玶, 尺八‧劉穎蓉)演奏4首經典邦樂樂曲;蝶明舞踊團由團長蔡明繡帶領,華麗演出5首各具新舞踊特色舞碼;另邀集陳玉雲老師及多位素人演歌高手及歌唱比賽冠軍,同臺匯演經典日本演歌及臺日歌曲。
網路索票- www.taipei-living-arts.org.tw
Combining the transitional Japanese arts performances in the Great Taipei Area, the Hana No Waon Duet(Japanese Koto: Su-Ping Xu, Shakuhachi: Ying-Rong Liu)performs four classical Japanese folk songs. Under the direction of Ming-Xiu Cai, the Butterfly Association of Japanese Dance performs five gorgeous new characteristic dances. In addition, instructor Yu-Yun Chen and several excellent Enka singers and winners of singing contests have been invited to perform classical Japanese Enka songs, and Taiwanese and Japanese songs.
Focus:We have invited excellent Japanese Performing Arts groups and individuals (Japanese folk song, Japanese dance, and Enka) to share diverse Japanese Arts with audiences for the first time.
Please visit the website at www.taipei-living-arts.org.tw to book tickets.
Free Ticket,Exhibition Unit:0932-943-473

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