


紅娘與我、四季?! 紅娘與我、四季?!
表演日期、時間 : 102-5-17~102-5-18
19:30 PM
19:30 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲劇
主辦單位 : 臺北市華岡藝術學校
演出單位 : 臺北市華岡藝術學校戲劇科
進場方式 : 售票

《紅娘與我》:自己姻緣不靠自己要靠誰? 撮合無數對佳偶的媒人洪麗嬌,這次靈機一動,預備把自己介紹給大老闆火旺,引發一連串詼諧、趣味情節。
聚焦賞析:《紅娘與我》由執導楊金榜老師改編桑頓‧懷爾德(Thornton N. Wilder, 1897-1975) 劇作《鴛鴦配The Matchmaker, 1954》;《四季?!》為99年度教育部「文藝創作獎」教師組現代戲劇劇本類「佳作」獎作品。
售票、優惠,洽詢展演單位:0930-646-669、(02) 8791-9962
1.“The Matchmaker and I”: Who should I depend on to bring me a happy marriage? Li-Jiao Hong, a matchmaker, who has successfully made many wonderful matches in her life. However, this time, she is going to introduce herself to a big boss, Huo-Wang. Do not miss a series of humorous subsequent scenarios.
“Four Seasons?! ”: Fragment through four independent drama "Spring: Flower Festival> Timing accord with the seasons, showing childhood, youth, middle age, old age may face different life stagesthe problem.
Focus:“The Matchmaker and I” has been adapted by director Jin-Bang Yang from “The Matchmaker, 1954”by Thornton N. Wilder (1897-1975); the “Four Seasons” won Honorable Mention in the Modern Drama Script Category, Teacher Section, the Ministry of Education’2010 Literary and Artistic Creation Award.
Ticket Price, Ticket Discounts,Exhibition Unit:0930-646-669、(02) 8791-9962

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