


表演日期、時間 : 96-5-4
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
主辦單位 : 國立台灣藝術教育館
演出單位 : 知心樂坊
進場方式 : 預先索票

第14屆金曲獎最佳演奏獎得主~知心樂坊,將演奏古典音樂中不同風格的室內樂曲,加上主持人的生動講解,帶領大家領略各式音樂不同的樂曲趣味,曲目包括極具古風的拜爾德:帕方納舞曲、及史特勞斯家族的圓舞曲、深具亞美尼亞風情的哈察都亮作品,及當代作曲大師蕭泰然充滿台灣特色並賦予國際化音樂語言的傑作「原住民組曲」。藉由長笛、單簧管、小提琴、大提琴、鋼琴、及知心單簧管四重奏的演出,讓大家在豐富的演出編排中,體認室內樂演奏的樂趣與精髓,跟著國內頂尖音樂家的演出,一起「環遊音樂世界」。The Intimate Music Workshop, the prize winner of the best performance, the 14th Golden Songs Award, will perform chamber music with diverse styles in the classic music. With the vivid explanation given by the emcee, different music tastes from all sorts of music are brought to the audience for appreciation. Byrd's works with very antique style are included in the song list: Khatchaturain's works such as Pafna Dance music and Straus Family Waltz with Hayastan amorous feelings, and the great composer, Xiao Tai-Ran's masterpiece full of Taiwanese features with international music languages, "Aborigine Suites", are concluded within it. The quartet performance by flutes, clarinets, violins, cellos, pianos and intimate clarinets makes everyone experience the fun and essence of chamber performance in rich presentations and arrangements, and "travel round the music world" with the performances given by the top musicians in Taiwan.

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