


表演日期、時間 : 102-6-29
19:30 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
主辦單位 : 臺北市國語實驗國民小學
演出單位 : 臺北市國語實驗國民小學”實小好樂”國樂團
進場方式 : 自由入場

聚焦賞析:濃濃懷古氣息的《台灣追想曲》,描述著曾走過的臺灣美景!用歌謠式純真的旋律,開啟童年時的生活情趣 ,在音樂的漩渦裡,留下最真的自己。
Lollypops, robots, baseball, tug of war, relay and punishments from the teacher…how many of these fragments of memories do you remember. As we approach the graduation season in June, let’s join conductor, Yu Hsin-Yi as he wakes the melodic magic with his baton, mesmerises us with the sounds of the Chinese instruments, and lets us relive the cherished childhood moments.
Focus:The nostalgic “Capriccio Taiwan” is a reminiscence of the beautiful sceneries of Taiwan. The simplistic rhythm reignites the memories of childhood fun. Let’s return to our true selves in the world of music.

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