


表演日期、時間 : 103-2-15
19:30 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 舞蹈
演出單位 : Zill Masker
進場方式 : 售票

上半場:闡述美國肚皮舞部落融合風發展歷史:從60、70年代夜總會故事開始,由Jamila Salimpoure引導大家走入旅程;接著由ATSR勾勒女性間代代相傳的生命力與能量。同時邀請部落融合風發展代表人物Mardi Love蒞臨。下半場由Mat Jacob與臺灣知名舞者帶來不同風格表演,展現肚皮舞多元發展與包容性。
聚焦賞析:邀請到美國The Indigo 知名編舞家Mardi Love和加拿大肚皮舞星Mat Jacob與本地舞者同場演出,介紹美國部落融合風肚皮舞歷史上的意義。
“The first half depicts the development of American Tribal Fusion Belly Dance, starting with the stories of the night clubs in the 60s and 70s. Jamila Salimpour is going to lead us into the journey. Next, ATSR will demonstrate the vitality and energy passed from generation to generation by women. At the same time, the representative of Tribal Fusion Belly Dance – Maradi Love will also attend the event. The second half: dances of different styles will be brought by Mat Jacob and well-known Taiwanese dancers.
Focus:Inviting well-known choreographer of The Indigo from America – Mardi Love and Canadian belly dancer Mat Jacob to perform with local dancers and introduce the historical meaning of American Tribal Fusion belly dance.

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