


表演日期、時間 : 104-12-24
19:30 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲劇
主辦單位 : 國立臺北教育大學幼兒與家庭教育學系魔鏡魔境兒童戲劇教育工作室
進場方式 : 預先索票

當飛飛失去了長久陪伴他的隆力,他該如何面對所有可怕的情境 ? 他能適應沒有隆力的生活嗎... ? 邀請您與我們一同來觀賞。
聚焦賞析:「魔鏡魔境」兒童戲劇教育工作室已邁入第15個年頭了!繼去年《金蘋果》後,今年由《我的隆力 My Loneliness》帶您再次展開神秘之旅。
Longli is Feifei’s warm companion. Longli accompanies Feifei through all the sad and lonely times. In his dreams, Feifei does not fear confronting monsters; he only fears losing Longli… Will Feifei be able to lead his friends away from danger? How will he find his way back home?
Focus:The Magic Mirrold Children’s Theatre Workshop celebrates its 15th year! Following last year’s production of “The Golden Apple”, this year’s “My Loneliness” will once again take you on a mysterious journey.

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