


表演日期、時間 : 95-12-28
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲曲
演出單位 : 臺灣崑劇團
進場方式 : 自由入場

臺灣崑劇團自1991年「崑曲傳習計畫」以來,每年舉辦推廣教育班,聘請兩岸三地的重要崑劇演員來臺教學,不但讓專業演員技藝得以累積精進,亦培養出許多優秀的學員。本次歲末公演,特安排推廣班優秀學員擔綱演出雅俗共賞的五齣經典折子戲《爛柯山‧後逼》《鐵冠圖‧刺虎》《鮫綃記‧寫狀》《牡丹亭‧遊園》《牡丹亭‧驚夢》,展現多年習藝的成果,同時引領觀眾一窺崑劇藝術的堂奧。Taiwan Kunqu Opera Theatre has held education promotion class every year since "Kun Opera Study Plan" in 1991 to appoint important performers of Kun Opera from three places of cross-strait to Taiwan for teaching that not only the artistry of professional performer may be accumulated and advanced, but also it cultivates many excellent students. The public performance in this end of year specially arranges outstanding students of promotion class to perform five classical Selected plays which appeal to every levels: "Lan-ke-shan—Later Force", "Iron Crown Drawing—Killing Tiger", "Jiaoxiao Story—Writing an Indictment", "Peony Pavilion—Visiting a Garden", "Peony Pavilion—Startling Dream" to display their achievements of study for many years, and lead viewers to see the deep of Kun Opera art.

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