


表演日期、時間 : 95-10-15
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館
演出單位 : 國立臺灣師範大學音樂系
進場方式 : 現場索票

琵琶絃上說相思 系列二 ~~~一紙展開非舊譜,四絃翻出是新聲
「這是作曲家們的一小步,卻是琵琶音樂的一大步!」去年春天,聆聽完年輕作曲家新作品的琵琶名家如此讚嘆。「這太棒了!完全是內行的作品!充滿熱情的創意!」海峽對岸的大師亦如是說。乘著熱烈的迴響與讚譽,今年,年輕音樂家們再次推出了十首作品, 期待您蒞臨欣賞!
Expression of Lovesickness by Strings of Pipa, Series 2 ~~~unfamiliar composition came as unwinding the sheet; Fresh voice came as playing the four strings
PiPa, that has been passed down for more than a thousand year, presents an aspect as spiritedness, splendid and passion of our culture. Its intensive colors contained inside its deep tradition as well as its manner covered with varieties just has revealed the spirit and avant-garde breath of modern. As so, excellent composers and performers under Department of Music, NTNU individually grasped their pens for this powerful instrument with precise technique together with endless illustration to, under various formation, wrote down brand new chapters for this ancient instruction.
"This is a tiny step for composers but great one for pipa music!" that was the compliment from maestro of pipa last spring after listening to new work from young composers. "That is wonderful! An absolute professional work! Creations full of passion!" again said so from master coming from across the strait. By the chance of these enthusiasm response and highly praise; this year, those young composers once again release ten pieces of work and are looking forward to your presence and enjoyment!

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