

Dinner With Friends

表演日期、時間 : 95-8-28~95-8-29
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲劇
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館
承辦單位 : 中華戲劇學會
演出單位 : 國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學系暨劇場藝術研究所、劇場設計學系碩士班
進場方式 : 預先索票

美國劇作家Donald Margulies以此劇獲得2000年普立茲劇本獎。兩對夫妻,四個朋友。他和他是從大學以來一直無話不談的好朋友;她和她在工作上有密切的關係。12年來他們可說是兩個非常親近的家庭,他們曾說要老在一起,一起笑看子女的成長和品嘗生命悲歡離合…在一個暴風雪的晚上,Gabe和Karen舉辦餐會,但是Tom卻缺席了,他的妻子Beth吃到一半時卻忍不住啜泣說,Tom要離開她了。這段出乎意料的插曲,使得Gabe和Karen不得不重新檢視他們的友情和婚姻生活。
Donald Margulies, an American play writer, won best drama, Pulitzer Prize year 2000 with this play. Two couples, four friends. He and he have been good friends since their university life keeping no secret from each other; she and she are close due to their work. For 12 years, we could say that they are two close families. They always said that they would like to be getting old together, to share and laugh together as the growing of their children, and to taste joy and sadness of life together...One stormy night, Tom was absent while Gabe and Karen was holding a dinner party. Not yet until the dinner was finished, Beth, his wife, could not help teasing and said that Tom has left her. This unexpected episode force Gabe and Karen to review their friendship and marriage life.

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