


表演日期、時間 : 95-5-24
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
演出單位 : 文生音樂藝術
進場方式 : 售票

一般人對於小號的刻板印象是吵雜、刺耳,不是那麼動聽,如果您對小號的認知也是如此,那麼您絕不能錯過 --即將改變您對小號觀點的音樂會。小號演奏可呈現多元的風格,變化萬千,有時如黃金般的明亮莊嚴,有時彷彿湛藍一般深沈憂鬱,有時又如赤焰熱情如火。
People Commonly feel trumpet music is noisy, harsh and even not pleasant to listen to. If you think the same, this time you shall join us, this concert will definitely change of your stereotype of trumpet music! Trumpet music can be presented in diversity of styles and performed variously. Sometimes it is just as bright and dignified as gold, sometimes it sounds melancholy as blue color, and sometimes it sounds passionate like fire.
Juliano writes a beautiful melody for himself with trumpet music. This is his first visit to Taiwan meeting with all fans; with this short distance contact, fans not only can enjoy Juliano's marvelous trumpet music, but can also feel his kindness and graceful characteristics just like a price near you! If life is to seek beautiful things, you just can't miss it!

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