


表演日期、時間 : 111-7-13
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
主辦單位 : 松山工農弦樂團
進場方式 : 預先索票

松山工農弦樂團成果發表會,除增加本樂團演奏經驗、拓 展視野外,亦能培養團隊默契及歸屬感,甚至能讓同學們 體驗從頭規劃及籌辦一場音樂會,從中學會一場活動籌 劃到展現的艱辛,也從中獲得成就感。結合這一到兩年社 團活動學習的經驗及技術,給予同學一個能展現自我的 舞台
The presentation brought by the string orchestra of Songshan High School of Agriculture and Industry, in addition to enriching its members’ experience in performing and broadening their horizons, aims to foster a sense of silent agreement and belonging among them and gain a sense of accomplishment. This presentation offers its members an opportunity to demonstrate the experience and skills they have acquired through the club activities for the past 1-2 years.

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