

Laboratory of ACG Music -7th Stage-“Remake”電玩動漫音樂會

Laboratory of ACG Music -7th Stage-“Remake”電玩動漫音樂會
表演日期、時間 : 113-3-9
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
主辦單位 : LOAM Projec
進場方式 : 售票

113/03/09(六)19:30 兩廳院售票
近年動漫電玩(ACG)掀起“Remake”重製風潮,ACG小型室內樂團Laboratory of ACG Music(LOAM)將在第七屆公演7th Stage-“Remake”重現創團11年來的演出精華、以及「重製」名作的經典樂曲。誠摯邀請勇者同好一起挑戰音樂關卡,重溫ACG作品曾帶來的感動!
Recently ACG triggered the “Remake” hot. The ACG small chamber orchestra, Laboratory of ACG Music (LOAM), will perform at the 7th Stage-“Remake”, to reproduce the essence of the performance of the group founded in the past 11 years, as well as the classic music of the "remake" masterpiece. Sincerely invite braves and people of the same taste to challenge the music stages together, to relive the emotion that ACG's works have brought.
