


表演日期、時間 : 94-5-22
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館
演出單位 : 台北同濟管樂團
進場方式 : 預先索票

你知道什麼是大喇叭?小喇叭嗎?還有水管做的喇叭! 你知道管樂家族也有輩份高低之分嗎?台北同濟管樂團要藉由管樂輕快諧和的合奏,讓你瞭解管樂豐富有趣的世界。還有透過音樂說故事的方法,何真真小姐用音符記錄下所看見、聽聞、感動的一切,果果帶著三顆希望的貓餅乾,一段單純唯美的奇遇,讓你在37℃的橘色溫度裡,停止眼淚,不再背負傷感,隨著樂音兌現生活中無法達到的期望與夢想。這是大朋友,小朋友都會感動的音樂,5月22日請跟著我們一起進入音樂的魔幻世界!!
Do you know what are trombone and trumpet? There is also the trumpet made by water pipe! Do you know there is rank in band music family? Taipei Tongji Band Music Group uses lively and harmonious ensemble by means of band music to let you know the rich and interesting world of band music. Moreover, through the way of telling story by music, Ms. Ho Chen-Chen uses musical notes to record everything she saw, listened and moved. Guo Guo brings three pieces of cat cookies with hope—a simple and beautiful adventure allows you to stop crying in 37℃ orange temperature, and will never bear sentimental feeling to have the wish and dream, which could not be reached to in life, come true with music. This is the music that adults and children will be moved. Please follow us to enter the magic world of music on May 22!

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