

SA Kids兒童街舞成果展

SA Kids兒童街舞成果展
表演日期、時間 : 113-9-1
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 舞蹈
主辦單位 : SA舞蹈工作室
進場方式 : 售票

113/09/01(日)14:00 年代售票
今年主題【SA LAND】由大約100位大小舞者,透過老師精心的動作編排與充滿變化的隊形,來呈現遊樂園的趣味!這場以街舞為主的成果發表會,預計約有10個舞蹈節目,包含:兒童街舞、MV舞蹈、老師舞、全體師生大合舞。
This year's theme, "SA LAND", features about 100 dancers of various ages, presenting the fun of an amusement park through carefully choreographed movements and varied formations by the teachers! This street dance performance will feature about 10 dance programs, including children's street dance, MV dance, teacher's dance, and a group dance by all teachers and students.
