


表演日期、時間 : 93-4-1
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲劇
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館
演出單位 : 九歌兒童劇團
進場方式 : 現場索票

「乖乖三頭龍」是九歌兒童劇團特別邀請奧地利名導演MOKI兒童劇團藝術總監Stefan Kulhanek來台指導的戲。結合了傳統「鐵枝懸絲偶」與現代「生活物品」,進一步將「偶」的觀念重新運用還原到每個人生活中,戲中到處充滿著從日常週遭生活物品取材的例子,真正讓戲劇進入生活中。請觀眾拭目以待,看他們如何運用巧思創意,客廳也可以變成兒童劇場喔!?
“An Obedient Three-head Dragon” is a drama directed by Stefan Kulhanek, a famous Austrian director, the art director-general of MOKI Children Troupe, who was invited by Chiu-Ge Children Troupe. It combines traditional “iron support marionette” and modern “life articles”, further restore the idea of “puppet” to reuse into everyone’s life. In the drama, it’s full of examples taken from articles in daily life in order to allow drama to enter our life. Viewers may wait and see they how use the originality. Living room also could become children theatrer!?

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