


表演日期、時間 : 93-3-6
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 其他
演出單位 : 天橋說唱藝術團
進場方式 : 售票

喜歡正宗的「天橋把式」嗎?臺灣新興的表演團體「天橋說唱藝術團」來了!此次演出經過精心策劃、節目內容豐富而精彩,演出陣容堅強,除了本團男女演員之外,特邀前「龍說唱藝術團」喜劇泰斗  張國棟先生參與本團演出;看他如何大戰永遠的豬八戒  王德志先生!如何與臺灣曲藝界新秀同台競技,此外,我們也特別發表新創作相聲段子  <藍的綠的?>、<新郎秘書>…保證讓您開懷大笑,笑到病除!
Love genuine "Tian Qiao Style"?"Tian Qiao Talking and Singing Art Group", the new emerging performance group is coming!After elaborately planning, the programs of this performance are abundant and colorful,The cast is excellent, in addition to actors and actress of this group,Mr. Chang Kuo-Tung, the comedy leading authority of "Dragon Talking and Singing Art Group" is specially invited to join the performance. Let's see how he fights the forever Zhu Ba Jie - Mr. Wang Te-Chih!In addition to new stars of Taiwan Chinese folk arts circle will play at same stage, we presented new created paragraphs of Chinese comic dialogue--"Blue or Green? ","Bridegroom Secretary"…Promise you will laugh loudly and eliminate any illness.
Why do you come her to listen to the humorous "Talking and Singing Arts" after receiving so much boring political rubbish.The programs include:New La Yang Pien, Chinese comic dialogue, Jingyun ensemble bass drum,Double two-man comic show;Taiwanese comic dialogue, comic dialogue play,,,This time, we will show you different performance type and new feeling.

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