


表演日期、時間 : 93-3-28
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲劇
演出單位 : 米卡多劇團
進場方式 : 售票

本齣英語音樂劇是描述大自然森林裡的動物  柳林中的風聲的故事。內容有關一隻富有愛冒險但又十分可愛的蟾蜍先生,十分喜歡開快車。後來牠偷了一輛汽車因而被關到監牢中。故事中的壞人黃鼠狼,趁蟾蜍不在時霸佔他的財產。蟾蜍的好朋友們,見義勇為聯手打敗黃鼠狼﹐保住蟾蜍的家產。本劇美妙的旋律媲美百老匯的音樂水準,這故事也在全美各社區劇院演出給不同年齡的觀眾欣賞。米卡多兒童英語劇團本次向美國購買版權首次推出兒童英語音樂劇,希望能將台灣的藝文帶進國際化的領域.
This Musical play in English describes a story about some animals in the natural forest named "The sound of the wind in the willow forest" It tells of a rich, enterprising and lovely Mr. Toad who is fond of driving at high speed and is arrested in jail because he has stolen a car. While Mr. Toad was in jail, the evil ground squirrel occupied Mr. Toad's estate. Fortunately, Mr. Toad's good friends didn't hesitate to do what they thought was righteous and they united themselves to defeat the ground squirrel and take back the estate. The fine tune of this play can compare favorably with the standard of Broadway music. The story has been performed at the theatres in each community in the States. It is the first time for Mikado Child English Troupe to purchase the copy right and to show this child English musical play, hoping to bring the art and culture of Taiwan into the international sphere.

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