


表演日期、時間 : 96-12-7
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
演出單位 : 逢友合唱團
進場方式 : 自由入場

睽違許久,逢友合唱團即將在2007年12月爲各位端出一道豐盛的「聖誕百匯」,這道百匯涵蓋了文藝復興時期、宗教音樂、黑人靈歌及聖誕頌歌,主題都與聖誕節慶有關,音樂會所帶來的曲目更是精挑細選,期待呈現聖誕音樂多樣的風貌! 藉由文藝復興時期及宗教音樂,引導觀眾感受音樂與宗教不可分的一面! 從黑人靈歌及聖誕頌歌等通俗的音樂,讓聽眾提前感受季節慶典所帶來歡樂氣氛。

Fengyou Chorus, which has not appeared in public for a long time, will present a concert of Christmas songs. The well-selected songs include Renaissance period's songs, religious songs, black soul music, and Christmas carols. The themes are all related to Christmas. It is hoped to demonstrate varieties of Christmas music. Through the music of the Renaissance period and religion, it will bring the audience to combine music and sense of religion together. By listening to black soul music, Christmas carols and other popular songs, audiences can feel joyful before Christmas season arrives.

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