

Let's get high–今日安熱不安樂

Let's get high–今日安熱不安樂
表演日期、時間 : 97-4-20
13:30 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
演出單位 : 基隆市立安樂高級中學熱門音樂社
進場方式 : 自由入場

321不「安」份的快「樂」在發酵,晴天來的「政」是時候,彩虹的美讓我們心動,所有smile都不容錯過,請你看著我們輕「松」玩,狂吼到把頭腦都「柵」開,唯一的「基」會在tonight,男生「女」生一起say hi,如果有場驚喜「秀」到high,「理」所當然不離開!
321 rebellious joyfulness is growing. The sunny days come at the right time. The rainbow's beauty moves us. You should catch all kinds of smiles. Looking at our light-hearted performance, you will scream very loudly. This is the only opportunity. All girls and boys are together to say 'Hi!' The atmosphere reaches its high point to make sure you want to continue remaining there.

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