
The Current Exhibitions

The 8th Cross-Strait Exhibition of Children's Fine Arts & Paintings – What does the Future Hold?

The 8th Cross-Strait Exhibition of Children's Fine Arts & Paintings – What does the Future Hold?
Date/Time :106-5-6~106-5-14
Venue : Exhibition RoomⅠ
Organizer :Chinese Cultural and Creative Development Association

Let's walk into the eighth Cross-Strait Exhibition of Children's Fine Arts & Painting around the theme "What Does the Future hold?" Children from four different areas on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will unleash their imagination with their brushes and set out on a journey that will broaden their horizons immensely. Facing an unknown future, we have curiosity, expectations and uneasiness; the unknown future is like a garden with many different paths, full of mysterious variations. Here, let kids be our guides to lead us as we experience this magic journey that transcends time and space.
Focus:From individuals to the universe, what changes will the future bring? Children have their own expectations and worries. The influence of different societies and education in the four areas on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will be displayed through this exhibition. Appreciating these paintings provides us an opportunity to do further thinking.