The Past Exhibitions
Root Well from Young and Sprout Great to Future–21TH Art Exhibition of Tung De Elementary School

Date/Time :109-10-28~109-11-22
Venue : Aesthetic Space
Exhibition Institute : Tung De Elementary School
The art education has been integrated into other lessons and students’ daily lives in Tung De Elementary School. We started the integrated lessons from the first and second graders, who could show their creativity and performance art. As for the junior graders, they could develop art skills and implement them in daily lives. Finally, the senior graders could upgrade themselves to plan the exhibition of Installation Art and practice the spirit of Public Art into action. The theme of Tung De Elementary School Art Exhibition this year is “Root Well from Young and Sprout Great to Future.” We wish to show you the 20-year implementation of the Aesthetic Education in Tung De Elementary School.