The Past Performances
The Magic FluteFor Children

Date/Time :
11:00 AM15:00 PM
11:00 AM15:00 PM
Venue : Nanhai Theater
Category : Music
Performer : Taiwan National Choir
Way of Entrance :Open for Ticket in Advance
Here comes Mozart's "The Magic Flute"! Have you ever heard the powerful and sonorous voice of the Night Queen? Did you know how Prince Tamino and Princess Pamina overcome all obstacles in order to finally be with each other? How did the cowardly bird-catcher Papageno win the heart of the bird-catcher Papagena? The Magic Flute for children is adapted from Mozart's original creation, and with its humorous, engaging Chinese dialogue children are guaranteed to have a great time!
Focus嚗Mozart's masterpiece "The Magic Flute", brilliantly interpreted by Taiwan National Choir with their excellent singing, fairy-tale characters and dialogue, will surely attract children into the temple of music!