
The Past Performances

Bright Autumn Moon嚗 Lee, Kuan-Ju Instrumental Recita

Bright Autumn Moon嚗 Lee, Kuan-Ju Instrumental Recita
Date/Time : 111-2-13
Venue : Nanhai Theater
Category : Music
Organizer : Lee, Kuan-Ju
Way of Entrance :Queue Up to Get Tickets on the Spot

111/02/13 14嚗30
A master at Graduate Institute of Musicology, National Taiwan University, Li, Kuan-Ju plays autumn-moon-themed and spring-themed music pieces on the bamboo flute, Chinese vertical bamboo flute, and pipe. His program includes traditional music pieces, such as qin pieces, Nanguan pieces, Jiangnan folk music, and several types of bamboo flute music of the South, North, and New Schools, bringing beautiful Chinese classical music to the audience.