
The Past Exhibitions

To encourage teachers and students to create art pieces and promote art and cultural education, the centre has organized a joint exhibition of winning pieces for the National Students’ Picture Book Cr...

Both from the Graduate School of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, Chen Yi-Nien and Chung Hui-Ju spent two years preparing this dual solo exhibition for their graduation. The themes of thi...

Green is the camouflage of the environment. When stray animals lose their owners, they drift around. In recent years, more and more people like to keep “unusual†animals as pets. But most owners don’t...

The exhibition includes paintings by children from 40 countries and Taiwan. Children show their folklore culture and lives via their paintings. These young artists created their paintings confidentl...

The exhibition includes paintings by children from 40 countries and Taiwan. Children show their folklore culture and lives via their paintings. These young artists created their paintings confidentl...

This group exhibition invites professors from colleges and universities at home and abroad who master in related fields like “visual communication†and “artistic creationâ€as participants. In this exhi...

The excellent works of children are donated by the Association for Education through Art. Through children’s paint brushes, viewers can enjoy scenes and folk culture from around the world as well as t...

In the past few years, the animation style has been blowing all over the world, making more people in the market agree with the animation industry, as is the art market. Lines can be simple or complex...

Professor Shih, Lin-Hong chose “Images†as the theme of this exhibition. With her great ability to design, her creativity and diversified visual vocabulary, Professor Shih keeps improving the cultural...

Lee Liang was born in Luoyang, China, and is an emerging artist currently residing in Beijing. He was accepted into the foundation program of the School of Fine Art at the Central Academy of Fine Arts...